Notice a Difference?
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We've updated the Vermont Lions website to new server software.
In addition to a speed increase, there are a few new features.
Most notable is an Accessibility menu at the bottom left of the homepage. Look for this icon: which opens the menu pictured at the right.
You now have the ability to change the text size on the site to make it easier to read, change the colors, add a reading guide, or even have the site read articles to you.
If you have any questions about the website please feel free to contact us.
Vermont Lions Summer Forum
- Details
The Vermont Lions Summer Forum will take place at the Springfield VFW in Springfield, Vermont on August 19, 2023.
View or download the Summer Forum Agenda.
View or dowbload the Summer Forum Registration Form.
Londonderry Area Tri-Mtn Lions react to having their community and neighbors flooded on June 10
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Orleans Lions Club Horseshoe Tournament
- Details
The Orleans Lions Club will be holding its annual horseshoe tournament on August 26th at the north end of Lake Willoughby. Attached is a poster with added info about it. Chair of this event, Lion Mark Collette, at
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