Windsor Lions Trunk or Treat
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Windsor Lions participated in our town's Trunk or Treat where we gave out 262 pieces of candy on Halloween to area youth.
The Lions Brigade Diaper Drive
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District 45 has a unique opportunity to support families throughout Vermont. As I stated in a previous letter in the Communique, state funding to the Vermont Diaper Bank has been severely cut from approximately $320,000 yearly to a FINAL $100,000. This funding helps families with limited income have access to free diapers. If any of you have purchased diapers for your family or grandchildren lately, you realize how expensive they are. Imagine being on a low, fixed income with a baby to provide for.
Diapers are not a luxury item on that shopping list. It’s a NECESSITY! It not only is needed for a baby’s comfort, but also for a baby’s health and wellbeing. One recipient who makes just above minimumwage who depends on the diaper bank in this area is a single father with two children, both with autism. He told our outreach staff that we can’t imagine how much this little bit of support helps him.
Strafford Area Lions Club Chili Cook-Off
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Vergennes Lion Larry Simino Receives International President's Award
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At the September 2023 Vergennes Lions picnic, Past International Director Tom Broughton addressed the assembled 53 Lions and guests. He shared that over the years Lions are always thankful when we get a person who is a Lion and gives five years of their life to service, but occasionally, the organization gets a Lion who is a Lion for life. This individual, whether male or female, commits themselves to a lifetime of service, both in small and large ways. They are always there and ready to help and no task is too small or too big. They define what it means to be a Lion and to serve others. At this point, PID Broughton invited PDG Larry Simino to join him at the front of the room to present the second highest award given in the Lions organization to a member of the Vergennes Lions Club. He presented on behalf of Past International President Brian Sheehan, the President Medal and Award to Vergennes Lion PDG Lion Larry Simino.
Lion Larry’s involvement with Lions started in 1964 as he shared his story with a reporter from the Valley Voice newspaper in 2014.
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