Vermont Lions Spring Convention
- Details
The 2022 Vermont Lions Spring Convention will take place at the Fireside Inn and Suites in West Lebanon, NH from May 13 to 15. For details and registration information see: 2022_Lions_Convention_Details.pdf or 2022_Lions_Convention_Brochure-a.pdf.
Arlington Lions April Events
- Details
The Arlingting Lions Club is hosting Easter Egg and Scavenger Hunts on April 16 at 11 a.m. Free admission at the Recreation Park Pavilion. Story Trail…Crafts…Jelly Bean Guessing Contest…Prizes
Visit and take pictures with the Easter Bunny! Bring your own Easter Basket.
On Saturday, April 30, the Arlington Lions is putting on a fish fry at the Recreation Park Pavilion from 11:30 to 2:00. Email
March 2022 Spring Cabinet Meeting
- Details
Dear Fellow District 45 Members,
As a reminder our March Spring Cabinet meeting will be on Saturday, March 19, at the Canadian Club in Barre.
We are packing the meals with The Outreach Program, that was postponed from our January 2022 meeting. Please be sure that if your club purchased meals, they must be picked up that day, they cannot be left at the site.
I am looking forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Please be sure that you register by Monday, March 14, 2022; you can always pay at the door.
Best, DG Carol
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