WomenSafe Donation
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Lions Assist WomenSafe
WomenSafe, a Middlebury-based nonprofit that helps area victims of domestic abuse, is pictured receiving a $15,000 donation from the Middlebury Lions club, presented by PID Tom Broughton on October 1st. The donation was featured at a kick-off event to raise $1.2 million to purchase and fix its new headquarters, create two transitional apartments for clients and expand its acclaimed violence-prevention programs throughout Addison County Schools. (Photo courtesy of the Addison Independent)
Project Outreach
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Fall Cabinet Meeting Service Project
I am writing to ask your club for a donation toward a service project to be held at the Fall Cabinet Meeting November 4th. Attendees, working in partnership with The Outreach Program will produce 10,000 meals which attendees can then donate to their local food shelves or the Vermont Food Bank. The project will take about 2 hours, still giving you a few hours to relax before the LCIF Super Raffle. It’s going to be a lot of fun and will support hunger relief at home and abroad! Here's how it works...
The cost of this project is $2,500. Therefore, I am asking each club to consider donating $75 (or more) toward the cost of this project. Please make your checks payable to Vermont District 45 Lions and send to me directly at: CS Lion Carol Greene, PO Box 92, S Royalton, VT 05068. Please let me know no later than October 14, if your club would like to donate to this District 45 project.
Oodles of Onions
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Oodles of Onions
The Jericho Lions were hard at work selling onion rings at the Underhill Harvest Market on 9/23 & 24.- Essex Junction Lions joined in the fun!
Castleton Lions Legacy Project
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Castleton Lions Legacy Project
The Castleton Lions gathered August 16th to celebrate the Lions Centennial by presenting the public with a new pavilion at Crystal Beach.
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