Toys for Vermont Kids
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Toys for Vermont Kids
Collection barrels are out, and toys are being donated, says Lions Committee Co-Chair Sue Hays. The donated toys will be distributed through local food shelves and will make Christmas brighter for families in Vergennes and Bristol communities.
This year the Vergennes Lions are partnering with the Northland Jobs Corps. Job Corps students are assisting with collecting, sorting and distribution of toys. Job Corps is also providing a room on their campus to function as a central collection and distribution point. Co-Chairs Lion Roger and Sue Hays (pictured here with Job Corps student Jubilee Thorburn) are happy to have the new easily accessible area and many helping hands.
Words for Thirds!
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Third graders from Neshobe Elementary School received their annual Student’s Dictionary from the Brandon/Forest Dale Lions Club on December 5th. Pictured with the third graders are Club members Mary Shields, Stacy Shields, Bruce Blanch, Shirley Smela, Burt Reynolds, King Lion Patti Reynolds, Evie Reed, and Harold Reed.
WCAX coverage of Project Outreach
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COLCHESTER, Vt. A first of its kind project, to help hungry Vermonters.
The Vermont District of Lions Clubs gathered in Colchester for their annual cabinet meeting, but that wasn't all they did. Members from Vermont's 34 Lions Clubs packed 10,000 meals at the Hampton Inn. They will be given to food shelves in each Club's town. The Vermont Lions raised $2,500 dollars to purchase the meals which included dried soy, rice, beans and veggies. Cabinet Secretary Carol Green says the event is designed to unite the clubs in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutual understanding as well as to help out those in need.
"It's a make you feel good feeling that you're being able to give back to your community and give back to those less fortunate," said Greene. Greene says she hopes to plan more service projects like this in the future, and encourages the public to join their local Lion's Club.
Story by WCAX. Watch the video from WCAX evening news.
Essex Junction Ring in the Holidays
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Essex Jct Lions Dave LaRose, Betsy MaGee and granddaughter Tays, King Lion Dianne Brochu and Fern Henson are ringing in the Holiday Spirit
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